Air Conditioning Installations & Services in Sydney

"Top-Rated AC Installation Company“

Affordable and Fast Service

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About us

Frosty Air Solutions assists with all air conditioning installations, service, and maintenance of all split and ducted air conditioning systems. With decades of trusted experience in the area, we can achieve the best solution, service, or repair to suit your budget all within a reasonable time.

Our air conditioners are designed to provide energy-efficient cooling while ensuring a comfortable environment for your home or business. Our experienced engineers are highly trained in the service and maintenance of all air conditioning systems. We can conduct regular maintenance to ensure you achieve the best performance out of your system. Additionally, we offer repair services to fix any issues with your air conditioner, both quickly and efficiently.

Our Services


Our experienced engineers can provide you with the best advice and technical knowldge to ensure your system is installed correctly and runs optimally.

Repairs & Maintenance

Regular Maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your system. We can perform full system check-ups, to ensure all components are running smoothly and efficiently.

Ducted Systems

Our ducted air conditioning services provide a cost-effective way of cooling multiple rooms at once, with minimal energy usage.

Split Systems

Our split systems are designed to be energy efficient and effective, allowing you to regulate the temperature in specific rooms. Get in touch today!